Published at 2020-06-29 19:44
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MrBayes 3.2.7a x86_64
(Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny)
Distributed under the GNU General Public License
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MrBayes >
的执行需用mpirun -n 8 mb-mpi
MrBayes > execute example.nex # execute 读取命令
Executing file "example.nex"
UNIX line termination
Longest line length = 919
Parsing file
Expecting NEXUS formatted file
Reading data block
Allocated taxon set
Allocated matrix
Defining new matrix with 12 taxa and 898 characters
Data is Dna
Data matrix is not interleaved
Gaps coded as -
Taxon 1 -> Tarsius_syrichta
Taxon 2 -> Lemur_catta
Taxon 3 -> Homo_sapiens
Taxon 4 -> Pan
Taxon 5 -> Gorilla
Taxon 6 -> Pongo
Taxon 7 -> Hylobates
Taxon 8 -> Macaca_fuscata
Taxon 9 -> M_mulatta
Taxon 10 -> M_fascicularis
Taxon 11 -> M_sylvanus
Taxon 12 -> Saimiri_sciureus
Successfully read matrix
Setting default partition (does not divide up characters)
Setting model defaults
Seed (for generating default start values) = 1593432009
Setting output file names to "<i>.<p|t>"
Exiting data block
Reached end of file
MrBayes >
MrBayes > showmodel
Model settings:
Data not partitioned --
Datatype = DNA
Nucmodel = 4by4
Nst = 1
Covarion = No
# States = 4
State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior
Rates = Equal
Active parameters:
Statefreq 1
Ratemultiplier 2
Topology 3
Brlens 4
1 -- Parameter = Pi
Type = Stationary state frequencies
Prior = Dirichlet
2 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier
Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier
Prior = Fixed(1.0)
3 -- Parameter = Tau
Type = Topology
Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori
Subparam. = V
4 -- Parameter = V
Type = Branch lengths
Prior = Unconstrained:GammaDir(1.0,0.1000,1.0,1.0)
MrBayes >
离散Gamma分布的类别数 (一般为4组)以上模型参数的设定需要
MrBayes > lset Nst=6 Rates=Invgamma Ngammacat=4
Setting Nst to 6
Setting Rates to Invgamma
Setting Ngammacat to 4
Successfully set likelihood model parameters
MrBayes >
时,收敛参数达到该参数设定阈值时,mcmc即停止。MrBayes > mcmcp Ngen=1500000 Nruns=2 Nchains=4 Samplefreq=1000 Stoprule=yes Stopval=0.01
Setting number of generations to 1500000
Setting number of runs to 2
Setting number of chains to 4
Setting sample frequency to 1000
Using stopping rule.
Setting burnin fraction to 0.25
Setting chain output file names to "<i>.<p/t>"
Successfully set chain parameters
MrBayes > mcmc
Mrbayes推荐以Average standard deviation of split frequencies < 0.01来判断MCMC的收敛程度,即结果优良程度。所以当模拟代数已经完成,而Average standard deviation of split frequencies已经小于0.01时,即可终止MCMC。
汇总数据样本中的模型参数MrBayes > sump
Summarizing parameters in files example.nex.run1.p and example.nex.run2.p
Writing summary statistics to file example.nex.pstat
Using relative burnin ('relburnin=yes'), discarding the first 25 % of samples
Below are rough plots of the generation (x-axis) versus the log
probability of observing the data (y-axis). You can use these
graphs to determine what the burn in for your analysis should be.
When the log probability starts to plateau you may be at station-
arity. Sample trees and parameters after the log probability
plateaus. Of course, this is not a guarantee that you are at sta-
tionarity. Also examine the convergence diagnostics provided by
the 'sump' and 'sumt' commands for all the parameters in your
model. Remember that the burn in is the number of samples to dis-
card. There are a total of ngen / samplefreq samples taken during
a MCMC analysis.
Overlay plot for both runs:
(1 = Run number 1; 2 = Run number 2; * = Both runs)
------------------------------------------------------------ -5719.47
| 1 |
| |
| 1 |
| 2 1 |
| 2 2 1 11 1 |
| 1 1 122 1 12 222 1 1 1 |
|**1 2 1 22 1 2 * 21 2 2 1 1|
| 1 2 1221 121 *2 2 1 1 22 12 * * 2|
| 2 1 12 22 1 1 2 1 |
| 12 22 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 |
| 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 * |
| 2 * 1 1 2 2 1 |
| 1 1 1 1 2 22 |
| 1 1 12 |
| 2 |
--------------------------------------------------- -5728.29
^ ^
125000 500000
Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files
"example.nex.run1.p" and "example.nex.run2.p":
(Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models)
(Values are saved to the file example.nex.lstat)
Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean
1 -5719.39 -5734.56
2 -5719.30 -5735.78
TOTAL -5719.35 -5735.34
Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files
"example.nex.run1.p" and "example.nex.run2.p":
Summaries are based on a total of 752 samples from 2 runs.
Each run produced 501 samples of which 376 samples were included.
Parameter summaries saved to file "example.nex.pstat".
95% HPD Interval
Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF
TL 3.184384 0.106319 2.607986 3.855185 3.165946 206.80 249.29 0.999
r(A<->C) 0.041903 0.000071 0.025691 0.057371 0.041786 195.65 218.26 0.999
r(A<->G) 0.492460 0.002216 0.403166 0.583745 0.494164 136.48 157.84 1.000
r(A<->T) 0.035249 0.000064 0.020791 0.051518 0.034684 198.30 241.48 1.003
r(C<->G) 0.029333 0.000161 0.008188 0.054821 0.028833 242.20 279.11 1.001
r(C<->T) 0.381829 0.001809 0.297725 0.459089 0.381034 47.86 115.95 1.001
r(G<->T) 0.019225 0.000167 0.000066 0.042855 0.016916 211.99 222.03 1.000
pi(A) 0.354387 0.000158 0.331452 0.379060 0.354105 270.03 282.43 0.999
pi(C) 0.321965 0.000114 0.302611 0.342663 0.321753 205.51 256.60 0.999
pi(G) 0.079765 0.000044 0.067832 0.093384 0.079435 151.46 192.30 1.000
pi(T) 0.243882 0.000115 0.222965 0.263219 0.243739 272.79 286.54 1.000
alpha 0.599274 0.033792 0.341705 0.945335 0.561036 169.28 180.25 0.999
pinvar 0.145666 0.006536 0.000059 0.270895 0.146287 155.67 170.06 0.999
* Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values
correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs.
ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled.
Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman
and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge.
MrBayes >
汇总样本树,并生成一致树MrBayes > sumt
Summarizing trees in files "example.nex.run1.t" and "example.nex.run2.t"
Using relative burnin ('relburnin=yes'), discarding the first 25 % of sampled trees
Writing statistics to files example.nex.<parts|tstat|vstat|trprobs|con>
Examining first file ...
Found one tree block in file "example.nex.run1.t" with 501 trees in last block
Expecting the same number of trees in the last tree block of all files
Tree reading status:
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Read a total of 1002 trees in 2 files (sampling 752 of them)
(Each file contained 501 trees of which 376 were sampled)
General explanation:
In an unrooted tree, a taxon bipartition (split) is specified by removing a
branch, thereby dividing the species into those to the left and those to the
right of the branch. Here, taxa to one side of the removed branch are denoted
'.' and those to the other side are denoted '*'. Specifically, the '.' symbol
is used for the taxa on the same side as the outgroup.
In a rooted or clock tree, the tree is rooted using the model and not by
reference to an outgroup. Each bipartition therefore corresponds to a clade,
that is, a group that includes all the descendants of a particular branch in
the tree. Taxa that are included in each clade are denoted using '*', and
taxa that are not included are denoted using the '.' symbol.
The output first includes a key to all the bipartitions with frequency larger
or equual to (Minpartfreq) in at least one run. Minpartfreq is a parameter to
sumt command and currently it is set to 0.10. This is followed by a table
with statistics for the informative bipartitions (those including at least
two taxa), sorted from highest to lowest probability. For each bipartition,
the table gives the number of times the partition or split was observed in all
runs (#obs) and the posterior probability of the bipartition (Probab.), which
is the same as the split frequency. If several runs are summarized, this is
followed by the minimum split frequency (Min(s)), the maximum frequency
(Max(s)), and the standard deviation of frequencies (Stddev(s)) across runs.
The latter value should approach 0 for all bipartitions as MCMC runs converge.
This is followed by a table summarizing branch lengths, node heights (if a
clock model was used) and relaxed clock parameters (if a relaxed clock model
was used). The mean, variance, and 95 % credible interval are given for each
of these parameters. If several runs are summarized, the potential scale
reduction factor (PSRF) is also given; it should approach 1 as runs converge.
Node heights will take calibration points into account, if such points were
used in the analysis.
Note that Stddev may be unreliable if the partition is not present in all
runs (the last column indicates the number of runs that sampled the partition
if more than one run is summarized). The PSRF is not calculated at all if
the partition is not present in all runs.The PSRF is also sensitive to small
sample sizes and it should only be considered a rough guide to convergence
since some of the assumptions allowing one to interpret it as a true potential
scale reduction factor are violated in MrBayes.
List of taxa in bipartitions:
1 -- Tarsius_syrichta
2 -- Lemur_catta
3 -- Homo_sapiens
4 -- Pan
5 -- Gorilla
6 -- Pongo
7 -- Hylobates
8 -- Macaca_fuscata
9 -- M_mulatta
10 -- M_fascicularis
11 -- M_sylvanus
12 -- Saimiri_sciureus
Key to taxon bipartitions (saved to file ""):
ID -- Partition
1 -- .***********
2 -- .*..........
3 -- ..*.........
4 -- ...*........
5 -- ....*.......
6 -- .....*......
7 -- ......*.....
8 -- .......*....
9 -- ........*...
10 -- .........*..
11 -- ..........*.
12 -- ...........*
13 -- ..***.......
14 -- ..*********.
15 -- ..**********
16 -- .......***..
17 -- .......****.
18 -- .......**...
19 -- ..****......
20 -- ..*****.....
21 -- ..**........
Summary statistics for informative taxon bipartitions
(saved to file "example.nex.tstat"):
ID #obs Probab. Sd(s) Min(s) Max(s) Nruns
13 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
14 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
15 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
16 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
17 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
18 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
19 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
20 752 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2
21 751 0.998670 0.001881 0.997340 1.000000 2
Convergence diagnostic (standard deviation of split frequencies)
should approach 0.0 as runs converge.
Summary statistics for branch and node parameters
(saved to file "example.nex.vstat"):
95% HPD Interval
Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median PSRF Nruns
length[1] 0.541456 0.009519 0.353274 0.717554 0.537658 0.999 2
length[2] 0.372879 0.005509 0.238197 0.516832 0.364400 1.001 2
length[3] 0.051215 0.000146 0.028626 0.075192 0.050526 0.999 2
length[4] 0.064156 0.000159 0.042227 0.089955 0.063130 0.999 2
length[5] 0.061693 0.000241 0.034584 0.092876 0.059972 0.999 2
length[6] 0.153199 0.000843 0.102179 0.209389 0.151336 1.000 2
length[7] 0.180160 0.001205 0.116956 0.247668 0.178352 1.002 2
length[8] 0.017412 0.000035 0.007366 0.029919 0.016864 1.001 2
length[9] 0.023680 0.000046 0.011245 0.037230 0.022899 1.000 2
length[10] 0.059184 0.000154 0.037673 0.085980 0.058277 0.999 2
length[11] 0.075561 0.000418 0.038818 0.117051 0.074517 1.013 2
length[12] 0.476301 0.006387 0.326916 0.635882 0.464266 1.000 2
length[13] 0.089409 0.000513 0.049164 0.133348 0.087979 0.999 2
length[14] 0.130533 0.002517 0.034572 0.221818 0.126364 0.999 2
length[15] 0.301198 0.005515 0.159970 0.446587 0.296882 1.001 2
length[16] 0.048544 0.000358 0.015916 0.086822 0.046766 1.008 2
length[17] 0.274635 0.002832 0.179287 0.388344 0.270745 0.999 2
length[18] 0.035885 0.000108 0.017321 0.057875 0.035077 0.999 2
length[19] 0.059240 0.000540 0.019800 0.104376 0.057129 1.001 2
length[20] 0.137187 0.001602 0.057767 0.212151 0.132745 1.000 2
length[21] 0.030895 0.000147 0.009996 0.055880 0.029637 1.004 2
Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman
and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. NA is reported when
deviation of parameter values within all runs is 0 or when a parameter
value (a branch length, for instance) is not sampled in all runs.
Summary statistics for partitions with frequency >= 0.10 in at least one run:
Average standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.000209
Maximum standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.001881
Average PSRF for parameter values (excluding NA and >10.0) = 1.001
Maximum PSRF for parameter values = 1.013
Clade credibility values:
/---------------------------------------------------------- Tarsius_syrichta (1)
|---------------------------------------------------------- Lemur_catta (2)
| /-------- Homo_sapiens (3)
| /---100--
| | \-------- Pan (4)
| /--100--
| | \----------------- Gorilla (5)
| /--100--
| \------------------------- Pongo (6)
| /--100--
| | \--------------------------------- Hylobates (7)
| |
| | /-------- Macaca_fuscata (8)
| /---100-- /---100--
| | | | \-------- M_mulatta (9)
| | | /--100--
| | | | \----------------- M_fascicularis (10)
\--100-- \------100------
| \------------------------- M_sylvanus (11)
\-------------------------------------------------- Saimiri_sciure~ (12)
Phylogram (based on average branch lengths):
/---------------------------------------- Tarsius_syrichta (1)
|--------------------------- Lemur_catta (2)
| /---- Homo_sapiens (3)
| /-
| | \----- Pan (4)
| /------
| | \---- Gorilla (5)
| /---
| \----------- Pongo (6)
| /---------
| | \------------- Hylobates (7)
| |
| | /-- Macaca_fuscata (8)
| /-------- /-
| | | | \-- M_mulatta (9)
| | | /---
| | | | \---- M_fascicularis (10)
\--------------------- \-------------------
| \------ M_sylvanus (11)
\---------------------------------- Saimiri_sciure~ (12)
|-------------| 0.200 expected changes per site
Calculating tree probabilities...
Credible sets of trees (2 trees sampled):
99 % credible set contains 1 tree
MrBayes >
example.nex.con.tre 最终所得Bayes树
Huelsenbeck, J. P. and F. Ronquist. 2001. MRBAYES: Bayesian inference of phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 17:754-755. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/17.8.754
Ronquist, F. and J. P. Huelsenbeck. 2003. Mrbayes 3: Bayesian phylogenetic inference under mixed models. Bioinformatics 19:1572-1574. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btg180
Ronquist, F., M. Teslenko, P. van der Mark, D. Ayres, A. Darling, S. Höhna, B. Larget, L. Liu, M. A. Suchard, and J. P. Huelsenbeck. 2012b. MrBayes 3.2: efficient Bayesian phylogenetic inference and model choice across a large model space. Systematic Biology 61:539-542. DOI: