基于CAT模型(针对组分异质性)的贝叶斯树构建——PhyloBayes MPI

Published at 2020-06-24 17:15






PhyloBayes MPI

PhyloBayes实现基于CAT模型的MCMC(Markov Chain Monte Carlo,马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛方法)算法,计算时间非常高。因此其作者多年后推出了MPI并行版本。但即使是并行版本,对于大体量数据, 如:源自基因组的多基因数据集合,也相当耗时。建议在运行该软件前,进行Taxon Sampling,在保证物种多样性的前提下,尽可能的缩小数据量。


PhyloBayes的官网(www.phylobayes.org)现不能访问。但在Github上可下载源码(git clone)。

进入sources目录执行make编译(系统需要有支持MPI的环境mpicc)后,在data目录中会生成PhyloBayes MPI的可执行程序,包括:

  1. pb_mpi,mcmc采样器。每次运行将产生一条mcmc链。
  2. bpcomp,评估两个或多个独立mcmc链之间的二分频率的差异,并通过汇集所有正在比较的mcmc链的树来计算一致树。
  3. tracecomp,根据跟踪文件中提供的摘要变量评估两个或多个独立mcmc链之间的差异。
  4. readpb_mpi,后分析程序,用于计算各种后验平均值。




(base) [user@server ~]$ mpirun -np 10 pb_mpi

mpirun -np <np> pb_mpi -d <datafile> [options] <chainname>
        creates a new chain, sampling from the posterior distribution, conditional on specified data

mpirun -np <np> pb_mpi <chainname>
        starts an already existing chain

        mpirun -np <np>     : number of parallel processes (should be at least 2)

        -cat -dp            : infinite mixture (Dirichlet process) of equilibirium frequency profiles
        -ncat <ncat>        : finite mixture of equilibirium frequency profiles
        -catfix <pr>        : specifying a fixed pre-defined mixture of profiles

        -lg                 : Le and Gascuel 2008
        -wag                : Whelan and Goldman 2001
        -jtt                : Jones, Taylor, Thornton 1992
        -gtr                : general time reversible
        -poisson            : Poisson matrix, all relative exchangeabilities equal to 1 (Felsenstein 1981)

        -dgam <ncat>        : discrete gamma. ncat = number of categories (4 by default, 1 = uniform rates model)

        -dc                 : excludes constant columns
        -t <treefile>       : starts from specified tree
        -T <treefile>       : chain run under fixed, specified tree

        -x <every> <until>  : saving frequency, and chain length (until = -1 : forever)
        -f                  : forcing checks
        -s/-S               : -s : save all / -S : save only the trees

see manual for details

Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[62923,1],3]
  Exit code:    1

mpirun的主要参数 -np 设定了运行程序时调用的cpu数量。


  • -d <datafile>,通过-d指定序列比对文件(phylip格式)
  • <chainname>,指定mcmc链的名字


(base) [user@server ~]$ mpirun -np 10 pb_mpi -d brpo.ali run1 & #调用10 cpus,运行mcmc方法,命名为run1,并至于后台
(base) [user@server ~]$ mpirun -np 10 pb_mpi -d brpo.ali run2 & #调用10 cpus,运行mcmc方法,命名为run2,并至于后台

启动两个mcmc链,程序会一致运行下去。终止程序可通过单线程版PhyloBayes中的stoppb程序来终止,或将后台运行的程序移至(ctl f)前台后ctl c终止。



因此,当后验分布不能再更好的拟合观测数据时,也就是mcmc链已经收敛(Convergence)。PhyloBayes MPI检验收敛的方法是通过bpcomp程序完成的。

(base) [user@server ~]$ bpcomp -x 100 10 run1 run2
run1.treelist : 3071 trees
run2.treelist : 3055 trees

maxdiff     : 0.0462656 
meandiff    : 0.00696971

bipartition list in : bpcomp.bplist
consensus in        : bpcomp.con.tre

-x 100 10: 去除前100个数据点(burn-in),此后每10个点采集一次数据。该参数的设定可根据mcmc链的长度来调整。


  • maxdiff < 0.1: 收敛的结果;
  • maxdiff < 0.3: 可接受的结果;
  • 0.3 < maxdiff < 1: 未收敛的结果;
  • maxdiff = 1: 即使在10000个数据点之后,这表明至少有一个mcmc链卡在局部最大值中,即无法达到全局最大值。





  • -cat -dp : infinite mixture (Dirichlet process) of equilibirium frequency profiles
  • -ncat <ncat> : finite mixture of equilibirium frequency profiles
  • -catfix <pr>/<filename> : specifying a fixed pre-defined mixture of profiles

The Dirichlet process usually has a much better mixing behavior. -cat优于-ncat。


  • -lg : Le and Gascuel 2008 # LG
  • -wag : Whelan and Goldman 2001 # WAG
  • -jtt : Jones, Taylor, Thornton 1992 # JTT
  • -gtr : general time reversible # GTR
  • -poisson : Poisson matrix, all relative exchangeabilities equal to 1 (Felsenstein 1981)


  • -dgam <n> : discrete gamma. ncat = number of categories (4 by default, 1 = uniform rates model)


(base) [user@server ~]$ mpirun -np 10 pb_mpi -d brpo.ali -cat -gtr -dgam 4 run3


后验预测多样性检验 (posterior predictive diversity test),可用于评价建树模型对观测数据(真实比对序列)的拟合程度。

(base) [user@server ~]$  mpirun -np 10 readpb_mpi -div -x 100 10 run2
read data from file : brpo.ali
number of taxa  : 10
number of sites : 599
number of states: 20
burnin: 100
every 10 points until 3819

result of diversity test in run2.div

(base) [user@server ~]$ cat run2.div 
diversity test
obs div : 2.55092
mean div: 2.55794 /- 0.044931
z-score : 0.156314
pp      : 0.432796 # p值

当p值小于0.05时,根据模型模拟的数据分布于真是观测数据有显著差异,即模型不能解释真实数据(model fit test 失败)。


Lartillot N., Philippe H. A Bayesian Mixture Model for Across-Site Heterogeneities in the Amino-Acid Replacement Process. Mol Biol Evol. 2004 21(6):1095-1109. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msh112.

Lartillot N, Rodrigue N, Stubbs D, Richer J. PhyloBayes MPI: Phylogenetic Reconstruction With Infinite Mixtures of Profiles in a Parallel Environment. Syst Biol. 2013 Jul;62(4):611-5. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syt022.