国际命名法则ICNP——规则与建议,第3部分 分类单元名称

Published at 2020-05-09 09:04




Rule 6

The scientific names of all taxa must be treated as Latin; names of taxa above the rank of species are single words.


Recommendation 6

To form new prokaryotic names and epithets, authors are advised as follows.

  • Avoid names or epithets that are very long or difficult to pronounce.


  • Make names or epithets that have an agreeable form that is easy to pronounce when latinized.


  • Words from languages other than Latin or Greek should be avoided as long as equivalents exist in Latin or Greek or can be constructed by combining word elements from these two languages. Exceptions: names derived from typical local items such as foods, drinks or geographical localities for which no Latin or Greek names exist.

除了拉丁语或希腊语之外,其他语言的单词应该避免,只要拉丁语或希腊语中存在等价物,或者可以通过结合这两种语言的单词元素来构造。 例外:来自典型的当地物品的名称,如食物、饮料或不存在拉丁或希腊名字的地理地点。

  • Do not adopt unpublished names or epithets found in authors’ notes, attributing them to the authors of such notes, unless these authors have approved publication.


  • Give the etymology of new generic names and of new epithets.


  • Determine that the name or epithet which they propose is in accordance with the Rules.


  • The Greek K and Z and the Medieval Latin J (for consonantic I) should be maintained to avoid confusion.


  • The abbreviation M.L. stands for “Medieval Latin” not “Modern Latin”. For the latter, N.L. (“Neo Latin”) is to be used.

缩写M.L.代表“中世纪拉丁语”而不是“现代拉丁语”。 对于后者,使用N.L.(“Neo Latin”)。

  • When arbitrary names (see Rules 10a and 12c) are formed, this has to be indicated and such names have to be easy in spelling and pronunciation.


  • Authors should not name organisms after themselves or after co-authors. If genus names or specific epithets are formed from personal names they should contain only the untruncated family (rarely the first) name of one person.

作者不应该以自己或合著者的名字命名生物体。 如果属名或特定的称谓是由个人姓名形成的,它们应该只包含一个人的姓。

Names of Taxa above the Rank of Genus up to and including Order

Rule 7

The name of a taxon above the rank of genus up to and including order is a substantive or an adjective used as a substantive of Latin or Greek origin, or a latinized word. It is in the feminine gender, the plural number, and written with an initial capital letter.

属级以上至目级的分类单元的名称,是一个名词,或作名词用的拉丁或希腊语形容词,或一个拉丁化了的词。 它是阴性,复数,首字母大写。

Names of Taxa above the Rank of Order

Rule 8

The name of each taxon (covered by the Code) above the rank of order is a Latin or latinized word. The name of a class is in the neuter gender, the plural number and written with an initial capital letter. The name is formed by the addition of the suffix –ia to the stem of the name of the type genus of the type order of the class. The name of a subclass is in the feminine gender, the plural number and written with an initial capital letter. The name is formed by the addition of the suffix –idae to the stem of the name of the type genus of the type order of the subclass.

高于目级的分类单元的名称(受法则约束的)是一个拉丁词或拉丁化了的词。 纲的名称是中性的,复数,首字母大写;是通过在纲的典型属的名称的词干后添加后缀-ia而成的。 亚纲类的名称是阴性的,复数,首字母大写;是通过在亚纲的典型属的名称的词干后添加后缀-idae而成的。

Names of Taxa between Subclass and Genus (Order, Suborder, Family, Subfamily, Tribe, Subtribe)

Rule 9

The name of a taxon between subclass and genus is formed by the addition of the appropriate suffix to the stem of the name of the type genus (see Rule 15). These suffixes are presented in Table 1.

亚纲和属之间的分类单元的名称是通过在其典型属的名称的词干后添加适当的后缀而形成的(见规则15)。 这些后缀见表1。

Table 1. Suffixes for Categories

Rank Suffix Example
Order -ales Pseudomonadales
Suborder -ineae Pseudomonadineae
Family -aceae Pseudomonadaceae
Subfamily -oideae Pseudomonadoideae
Tribe -eae Pseudomonadeae
Subtribe -inae Pseudomonadinae

Names of Genera and Subgenera

Rule 10a

The name of a genus or subgenus is a substantive, or an adjective used as a substantive, in the singular number and written with an initial capital letter. The name may be taken from any source and may even be composed in an arbitrary manner. It is treated as a Latin substantive.

Examples: Single Greek stem, Clostridium; two Greek stems, Haemophilus; single Latin stem, Spirillum; two Latin stems, Lacto- bacillus; hybrid name, Latin-Greek stems, Flavobacterium; latinized personal name, Shigella; arbitrary name, Afipia, Desemzia, Waddlia, or Cedecea.

属或亚属的名称是一个名词,或用作一个名词的形容词,单数,首字母大写。 该名称可以取自任何来源,甚至可以任意组成。 它被视为一个拉丁名词。

Recommendation 10a

The following Recommendations apply when forming new generic or subgeneric names.

  • Refrain from naming genera and subgenera after persons quite unconnected with bacteriology or at least with natural science.


  • Give a feminine form to all personal generic and subgeneric names whether they commemorate a man or a woman (see Rule 63).


  • Avoid introducing into bacteriology as generic names such names as are in use in botany or zoology, in particular well-known names. (See Appendix 9).


Rule 10b

Generic and subgeneric names are subject to the same Rules and Recommendations, except that Rule 10c applies only to subgeneric names.


Rule 10c

The name of a subgenus, when included with the name of a species, is placed in parentheses along with the abbreviation “subgen.” between the generic name and specific epithet. When included, the citation should be inserted before closure of the parentheses.

Example: Acetobacter (subgen. Gluconoacetobacter) liquefaciens or Acetobacter (subgen. Gluconoacetobacter Yamada and Kondo 1985) liquefaciens (Asai 1935) Yamada and Kondo 1985.

亚属名,当出现在一个物种名中时,要置于属名和种名之间的括号中,并加上缩写“subgen.”。 同时,应在括号内插入引文。

Names of Taxa between Subgenus and Species

Rule 11

The taxonomic categories section, subsection, series, and subseries are informal categories not regulated by the Rules of this Code. Their designations do not compete with the names of genera and subgenera as to priority and homonymy.

部分、分节、系列和子系列,这些分类类别是不受本法则规则约束的非正式类别。 它们的名称在优先权和同义词上与属名和亚属名不存在竞争关系。

Names of Species

Rule 12a

The name of a species is a binary combination consisting of the name of the genus followed by a single specific epithet.


If a specific epithet is formed from two or more words, then the words are to be joined. If the words were not joined in the effective publication, then the epithet is not to be rejected but the form is to be corrected by joining the words, which can be done by any author. If an epithet has been hyphenated, its parts should be joined. The name is considered to have been validly published and retains its standing in nomenclature.

如果一个种名是由两个或两个以上的单词组成的,那么这些单词将被连接起来。 如果在有效出版物中这些词没有被连接起来,那么该短语不会被拒绝,但形式是会被连接起来来纠正的,这可以由任何作者来完成。 如果一个短语被连字符连接,它的部分应该连接起来(不含连字符)。 该名称被认为是有效发表的,并保留其在命名上的地位。

Example: Nocardia otitidis-caviarum has been corrected to Nocardia otitidiscaviarum, or Propionibacterium acidi-propionici has been corrected to Propionibacterium acidipropionici, or Treponema paraluis-cuniculi has been corrected to Treponema paraluiscuniculi.

Rule 12b

No specific or subspecific epithets within the same genus may be the same if based on different types (see Rules 13c, 40d and Section 9).


Example: Bacillus pallidus Scholz et al. 1988 is based on the nomenclatural type, strain H12; the specific epithet pallidus cannot be used for Bacillus pallidus Zhou et al. 2008, another bacterium whose name is based on a different type.

Rule 12c

A specific epithet may be taken from any source and may even be composed arbitrarily.


Example: thetaiotaomicron in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron derived from a combination of the Greek letters theta, iota and omicron.

A specific epithet must be treated in one of the three following ways.

  • As an adjective that must agree in gender with the generic name.


  • As a substantive (noun) in apposition in the nominative case.


  • As a substantive (noun) in the genitive case.


Recommendation 12c

Authors should attend to the following Recommendations, and those of Recommendation 6, when forming specific epithets.

  1. Choose a specific epithet that, in general, gives some indication of a property or of the source of the species.
  2. Avoid those that express a character common to all, or nearly all, the species of a genus.
  3. Ensure that, if taken from the name of a person, it recalls the name of one who discovered or described it, or was in some way connected with it, and possesses the appropriate gender (see Appendix 9).
  4. Avoid in the same genus epithets which are very much alike, especially those that differ only in their last letters (see Rule 56a(4)).
  5. Avoid the use of the genitive and the adjectival forms of the same specific epithet to refer to two different species of the same genus (see Rule 63).
  6. If an ordinal adjective used for enumeration is chosen then they may include numbers up to ten. Example: primus, secundus.

Names of Subspecies

Rule 13a

The name of a subspecies is a ternary combination consisting of the name of a genus followed by a specific epithet, the abbreviation “subsp.” (subspecies), and finally the subspecific epithet.

亚种的名称是一个三元组合,由属名,然后是种名,跟以 subsp.,最后是亚种名。

Example: Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii Nakamura et al. 1999.

For “variety” see Rule 5c.

Rule 13b

A subspecific epithet is formed in the same way as a specific epithet. When adjectival in form, it agrees in gender with the generic name.

一个亚种名与种名以同样的方式形成的。 当为形容词时,它在词性与属名一致。

Rule 13c

No two subspecies within the same species or within the same genus may bear the same subspecific epithet (see also Rules 12b and 40d).


Rule 13d

A subspecies that includes the type of the species must bear the same epithet as the species (see also Rules 40d and 45).


Names of Infrasubspecific Subdivisions

Rule 14a

The designations of the various taxa below the rank of subspecies are not subject to the Rules and Recommendations of this Code (for advice on their nomenclature, see Appendix 10).


Rule 14b

A Latin or latinized infrasubspecific designation may be elevated by a subsequent author to the status of a subspecies or species name providing that the resulting name is in conformity with the Rules. If so elevated, it ranks for purposes of priority from its date of elevation and is attributed to the author who elevates it, provided that the author who elevates it observes Rule 27.

Example: Pseudomonas cannabina (ex Šutic and Dowson 1959) Gardan et al. 1999; elevation of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar Cannabina of (Šutic and Dowson 1959) Young et al. 1978 by Gardan et al. [4].