Published at 2020-05-09 08:48
Definitions of the taxonomic categories will inevitably vary with individual opinion, but the relative order of these categories may not be altered in any classification.
The taxonomic categories above and including species which are covered by these Rules are given below in ascending taxonomic rank. Those in the left-hand column should he recognized where pertinent; those in the right-hand column are optional. The Latin equivalents are given in parentheses.
上述分类类别,包括本法则所涵盖的物种,在下面以升序的分类等级给出。 左栏中的等级应该在相关的地方得到承认;右栏中的那些是可选的。 对应的拉丁文在括号中给出。
A species may be divided into subspecies, which are dealt with by the Rules of this Code (see Rules 13a–d). Variety is a synonym of subspecies; its use is not encouraged as it leads to confusion, and after publication of this Code the use of the term variety for new names will have no standing in nomenclature.
一个物种可以分为亚种,由本法则的规则处理(见规则13a-d)。 品种是亚种的同义词;它的使用不受鼓励,因为它会导致混乱,在本法则发表后,新名称的品种一词的使用将在命名上没有地位。
Taxa below the rank of subspecies (infrasubspecific subdivisions) are not covered by the Rules of this Code, but see Rule 14a and Appendix 10.