Published at 2020-05-03 18:02



General Consideration 1

The progress of bacteriology can be furthered by a precise system of nomenclature accepted by the majority of bacteriologists of all nations.


General Consideration 2

To achieve order in nomenclature, it is essential that scientific names be regulated by internationally accepted Rules.


General Consideration 3

The Rules which govern the scientific nomenclature used in the biological sciences are embodied in International Codes of Nomenclature (see Appendix 1 for a list of these Codes).

规范生物科学中使用的科学命名法的规则记载于 国际命名法则

General Consideration 4

Rules of nomenclature do not govern the delimitation of taxa nor determine their relations. The Rules are primarily for assessing the correctness of the names applied to defined taxa; they also prescribe the procedures for creating and proposing new names.

命名规则不适用于分类群的划分,也不确定它们之间的关系。 《规则》主要是为了评估适用于定义的分类群的名称的正确性;它们还规定了创建和提出新名称的程序。

General Consideration 5

This Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes applies to all Prokaryotes. The nomenclature of eukaryotic microbial groups is provided for by other Codes: fungi and algae by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants; protozoa by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The nomenclature of viruses is provided for by the International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature (see Appendix 1).

本原核生物命名规范适用于所有原核生物。 真核微生物类群的命名由其他法则规定:真菌和藻类由国际藻类、真菌和植物命名规则;原生动物由国际动物命名规则。 病毒的命名由国际病毒分类和命名规范提供。

General Consideration 6

This Code is divided into Principles, Rules and Recommendations.


  1. The Principles (Chapter 2) form the basis of the Code, and the Rules and Recommendations are derived from them.
  2. The Rules (Chapter 3) are designed to make effective the Principles, to put the nomenclature of the past in order and to provide for the nomenclature of the future.
  3. The Recommendations (Chapter 3) deal with subsidiary points and are appended to the Rules which they supplement. Recommendations do not have the force of Rules; they are intended to be guides to desirable practice in the future. Names contrary to a Recommendation cannot be rejected for this reason.
  4. Provisions for emendations of Rules, for special exceptions to Rules, and for interpretation of the Rules in doubtful cases have been made by the establishment of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) and its Judicial Commission, which acts on behalf of the ICSP (see Rule 1b and Statutes of the International Committee on the Systematics of Prokaryotes). Opinions issued by the Judicial Commission become effective after receipt of ten or more favorable votes from Commissioners, but may be rescinded by the ICSP as provided in the ICSP Statutes. The official journal of the ICSP is the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM), formerly International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (IJSB), formerly the International Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxonomy (IBBNT). (Some other journal could be specified by the ICSP if required. Such possible future specification is implicit in the use of "International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology" or "IJSEM" throughout this Code, but is not always repeated at each mention.)
  5. Appendices are added to assist in the application of this Code (see Table of Contents).
  6. Definitions of certain words used in the Code are provided. Such words are indicated in boldface type in the clause concerned, and they may be printed in boldface type elsewhere in this Code.

General Consideration 7

Nomenclature deals with the following:

  1. Terms used to denote the taxonomic categories, e.g., “species”, “genus”, and “family”.
  2. Relative rank of the categories (see Rule 5).
  3. Names applied to individual taxa. A taxonomic group is referred to throughout this Code as a taxon, plural taxa. "Taxonomic group" is used in this Code to refer to any group of organisms treated as a named group in a formal taxonomy; it may or may not correspond to a category.


  1. 用来表示分类类别的术语,如:种,属,科。

  2. 类别相关的等级(见 Rule 5)。

  3. 单个分类群的名字。 一个分类学群体在整个法则中被称为一个分类群。 在本法则中,分类学群体是指在正式分类中被视为命名群的任何一组生物;它可能与一个类别相对应,也可能不对应。

General Consideration 8

The International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes is an instrument of scientific communication. Names have meaning only in the context in which they were formed and used.

《原核生物国际命名法》是科学交流的工具。 名称只有在它们形成和使用的上下文中才有意义。